Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas 2012

What a GREAT Christmas!  This time last year, we spent Christmas in the NICU with our little miracle baby.  We were surprised and thrilled to be able to room in with Jackson in the hospital on Christmas night and we were able to take him home the day after Christmas.  I can't believe that was over a year ago!  It's gone by so incredibly fast.  So, we were beyond thrilled to be able to spend the Christmas season together as a family in our own home.  It was so special and meaningful to our family.  We hope you and your family had a great Christmas, too!

Here are some great family fun Christmas pictures!

We had so much fun at Granpa B and Gmo's house for Christmas!  Jackson sure got spoiled!  We love his Radio Flyer!

Reading with Gmo!

Daddy reading Twas the Night Before Christmas has become a family tradition.

Jackson giving baby Jesus kisses on His birthday and playing with his new Little People Nativity set.

This is how Jackson opens his Christmas presents!

   Merry Christmas Jackson!
    We love you SO much!

       Stocking time!

Christmas at Papa and Baba's house!


Merry Christmas everyone!

Skyping with Uncle Wes, Aunt Kate, and our cousins!

4 Generation picture!
This is one of the new and cutest things Jackson does!  He hides a toy (most of the time it is his pacifier), and then I ask him "Where did it go?" and he holds his hands out as if he is saying, "I don't know!"  Adorable!

Jackson playing with his Little People barn.  He LOVES it!  It is his favorite toy!  Thanks Santa!

Other happenings this last month...Jackson has started whole milk.  It was a rough couple of days for the McCutcheon house for Jackson to adjust to whole milk in a sippy cup, but he eventually got the hang of it!  And now he is a master at drinking whole milk and using sippy cups, and is finally even drinking more water, which has always been a struggle.  So we are no longer using any bottles.  Little Bubba is growing up so fast.  He is still an awesome eater.  Jackson loves all foods-he has never refused to eat something.  He is still struggling with chewing, so we still have to give him a few bites of food on his plate at a time.

Jackson is also a great sleeper.  He puts himself to sleep with no problems.  He doesn't even cry when we lay him down and walk out his room anymore.  Of course, there are still nights (a lot lately) that I just want to hold him and rock him forever...

Jackson is turning into a little boy right before my eyes, especially in these past couple of weeks.  Where did my baby go???  He is seriously so cute and fun!  He plays with his toys, he hums and does motions to songs, and he "reads" his books.  Jackson is also pulling up on everything, standing on his own for longer periods, and even took two steps on Christmas day!  He is beginning to say words, too!  He says Dada, Mama, Baba, Ruff (for doggie), and ball.  He mimics lots of words and sounds we make.  He blows kisses and gives hugs.  He has been VERY snuggly lately.  I was a bit worried so I took him to his pediatrician to get checked out.  He is just growing and is healthy, so now I can take all the snuggles happily without worry!

Jackson's favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy".  He asks to sing it by showing you the hand motions.  Adorable!!  Jackson's favorite things this month are still books.  He LOVES books.  Other favorite things are playing with his barn he got from Santa this year.  He LOVES it, and will spend a lot of time putting all his animals down the silo!  Jackson also enjoys putting his smaller toys in and out of containers.  He also likes to roll a ball back and forth with us.

Jackson got to enjoy (well, kind of!) the snow during Christmas break!

My sweet boy checking out the snow on our snow day!

Not a fan of the snow...
                                uh-oh starting to fall over...

                                   Awww, poor baby...
                     but Mommy couldn't help but giggle!

Now it's not so bad!

My first time sledding!!  Thanks Papa and Baba!

 I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for our family.  We wish you all many blessings of happiness and health!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Photo Card

Elegant Scroll Frame Christmas
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My Baby is 1!!!!!

Jackson is 1!   It was such a happy time celebrating his birthday with our friends and family.  Wow, so many emotions this past month...I have to be honest, I was struggling with him turning one, which I know is a natural thing.  Actually, I think I was struggling with the realization of what he went through a year ago.  It just hit me.  Of course, I often think about his time in the NICU, but especially now, since it was a year ago.  I just can't believe it!


He is truly a miracle.  I spent a lot of time (probably too much time) reflecting back to last year: the fears, uncertainty, and sadness that we were faced with.  It was such an overwhelming time...watching your baby boy stop breathing and realizing there is nothing you can do to help him, but stare at the monitors and just pray that his alarms would stop going off as you hold your breath with him and then step aside as a nurse assists him.  It was awful to watch...waiting....waiting....waiting, until, finally, his oxygen levels rise. I guess there are some things I just can't get over, and I still catch myself watching his chest rise and fall.  And the guilt of being apart from him while we slept in the Ronald McDonald House and he slept in the hospital. 

I don't know how we did it.  That's not true. I know how we got through it.  It was all God.  And it was all of you who are reading this.  God and our family and friends got us through it. We were surrounded by love and God's grace.  In light of the Christmas season approaching us, I challenge those of you who are reading this to have a personal relationship with Christ if you don't have one.  When Jackson was in the NICU we surrendered everything to Him. There was such an overwhelming sense of peace.  You, too, can experience that love and joy.  Although I am no expert, if there is anything I can do to help you in that journey, I am here for you.  Seriously though,  I don't deserve such a wonderful baby.  I am so HAPPY!  I love him SOOOOOOO much!!!!

And look at Jackson now!!!!  He is AMAZING!!!  He is the most fun, energetic little boy EVER!!!  Everyday Jackson learns and does something new.  He cracks us up.  He is hilarious!

Here are his weekly pictures:

50 weeks old, and getting into everything!!
His favorite thing to do lately is to get in the kitchen cabinets and drawers.  This is his ornery face!

51 weeks old in his cowboy boots!  Love this picture!
Such a silly boy!  
He pulls up on everything now!

Little cowboy is 52 weeks, one year old!

G-Mo hosted Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for!  I am extremely grateful for my wonderful family!  Jackson loved G-Mo's turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans!  YUMMY!

Mama's Lil' Turkey!

Thanks for my riding toy, G-Mo and Grandpa B!
A day after Thanksgiving was Jackson's first birthday!!

Opening presents the morning of his birthday.
That evening we went to Krug Park to see the Christmas lights and Santa was there!
Jackson and Daddy at Krug Park.
Giddy Up, it's my Birthday!!!  Thank you Aunt Kate and Uncle Wes for my rocking horse!  Thank you Heather Davis for making my shirt!
We had Jackson's birthday at Papa and Baba's house.  Thank you Baba and Papa!  We had a cowboy themed party.  Thank goodness for Pinterest. That gave me so many ideas to make things for Jackson's party!!!


Happy Birthday banner I made using burlap!

This was my high chair as a little girl!  I am so happy my parents kept it.
I LOVE this cake!  Thank you Lisa Steffens for making Jackson's birthday cake!  He thought it was so yummy.  He even cried when I took it away...he wanted more!

We had a Trail Mix Bar for party favors.  We filled Mason Jars with little snacks.  
Jackson had so much fun with his friends and family.  Thank you for coming and showing your love to our little cowboy!  Yeehaw!
Playing with Quinny and Clara.

Tiff, Cortney, Coop, and Andrea watching the kiddos play.

Opening presents!!

Someone is spoiled!!

Playing with my gifts with my friend, Clara!
Music is one of my favorite things to do!!

I love my maracas!
I love my G-Mo!  Thank you for all your help with Jackson's party, Mari!

I love my Baba!  Thank you for all your help with Jackson's party, mom!
My buddy Ben made me this busy board!  Thanks Ben!
I play with it all the time.

My friend, Andrea.  Jackson's future mother-in-law?!?!

Cheryl and Brett came all the way from Arizona!  Look out Brett, you might have some competition.  Jackson was flirting with Cheryl all night!

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Brenny!
Lots of love from Baba and Papa!

We love you guys!  Thanks for everything!!
One spoiled little buck-a-roo!

Jackson LOVED his birthday cake!  YUMMY!

Jackson is all tuckered out after his party.  
Jackson had his 12 month Dr. appointment and is doing great!  He still weighs 21 pounds (50%) and is in the 7th% for his height.  Come on little buddy, grow grow grow!  We still have to be careful with how much he eats.  Because he is on the short end, his BMI is a little high (like last month's blog).  But he does great with his 3 meals a day, and isn't hungry in between meals.  The Dr. said Jax can now have whole milk, so we will do that transition soon.  Jackson still loves to eat!  He loves everything we feed him, which I am sooo thankful for!  So far, he is not a picky eater.  YAY!  

I love this stage that Jackson is in.  He is very inquisitive, smart, active, and tender-hearted.  He is going through this bashful stage, where he tilts his head down and raises his eyes towards you.  Oh my gosh, it just melts your heart.  He is so stinkin' adorable!  He is still very interested in books and music.  He kisses everything!  It is so cute to see his mind working.  New things he is doing this month are pointing to things, dancing, talking, playing by himself, mimicking sounds.

My new riding toy!  Thanks Baba and Papa!  This is how Jackson points.  So cute!

This blog was a tear-jerker!  Time for bed.  Night night!  Before I go, Jackson wanted me to share his latest dance moves.  Hilarious!