Well, I survived my first week back to work. I went to the hospital every morning before work to see Jackson. The first day was rough, but it was so nice to see my friends and students and enjoy some time with them before the holidays. Once again, Pathfinder friends, students, and parents were so supportive and made the transition an easier one for me. And it was a bit easier knowing that Daddy or Baba was spending the day with Jackson. It was a good week!
Jackson is now 4 weeks! He actually turned 4 weeks yesterday, but his eyes were so swollen from his vision test that we didn't want to irritate him with a photo shoot.
Thanks for making my shirt, Baba! |
Speaking of his eye test, he did well. It is not a fun procedure for these little guys. The eyes are the last to develop, so we were prepared by the doctors to not be too surprised if his eye test results came back "immature". The results come back as either Zone 1, Zone 2, or Zone 3. The higher the zone, the more developed his eyes are, thus having the best looking, most blood vessels matured. Jackson received a Zone 2 score. So, not bad, but he will be receiving a second eye test in two weeks, either here at St. Lukes (if we are still here) or at Children's Mercy (if we've been discharged by then). Jackson's nurse later told us that she heard the doctors were debating on whether to give him a 2 or 3, so the outcome was decided he is a "2, almost a 3". He does have a blocked tear duct that will continue to get monitored, but it's nothing serious.
Jackson's transition to the crib has been great! In order to stay in the crib and not go back to the isolette, he has to maintain his temperature and continue to gain weight. When babies try to keep their body warm, they burn calories. When preemies burn calories, they can quickly loose weight. But so far, Jackson has had wonderful temperatures and continues to gain weight. He is currently 5.1 pounds! YAY!
Like Nick said, we are terribly homesick. We desperately want to take our baby boy home. We understand, however, he is right where he needs to be, getting phenomenal care and improving everyday. He has several things on his checklist before we can go home, the most important (and often the only thing preventing these little ones to go home) being building endurance with feedings and continuing to gain weight. He nursed 3 consecutive times today with me and the nurse said he did not need any supplements either of those times because of the length of time he nursed....I just hope he is getting enough! How do you know mommies??
I've enjoyed spending my evening with my boys. I love my family so much! What a wonderful early Christmas gift, huh?!
Santa's Little Helper, that's right!! |
Check out my booty! |
Dancing to Christmas music with my mommy. |
Seriously, how cute is this?!!
Santa's little helper and Santa's big helper. |
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