Ok, seriously, time is going by way too fast. My baby is already nine months old! Jackson is doing so many fun and exciting things. It is so fun to watch him grow and change and experience new things daily. We had an incredible summer. I am SO thankful for the time I got to spend with him each and every day. We had a blast!! Although the transition back to school has been tough on me (much harder than I anticipated), I am comforted knowing that Jackson is in excellent care with his Grandmas and Daddy. My family, friends, and coworkers have been so supportive as well.
August had five Wednesdays, so here are his five weekly snapshots!
Nakie baby at 35 weeks on his favorite spot, his Mommy and Daddy's bed! |
Tired little 36 weeker, snuggling in his PJs with his favorite stuffed animal, Griz. We bought that bear for Jackson the weekend we found out we were pregnant, and it went with us to the hospital and Ronald McDonald House during Jackson's hospital stay. |
Jackson and Papa on the "Bridge to Nowhere" at the Annex. |
Jaxi's taxi goes just about everywhere with us! |
My niece running across the bridge that Papa built. I'm sure this bridge will create many memories with the grandkids! |
Papa, Wes, and Adley planting Adley's tree at the Annex. |
Ella and Mommy planting Ella's tree. |
Cousin Fun! |
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Uncle Wes and Jackson sitting poolside! |
Hanging out at Papa and Baba's. |
Jackson loves his bouncer even more now that he knows how to bounce!! |
This past month Jackson had a photo shoot with one of my friends from college, Nathan Welch. Thanks Nathan! You did an incredible job!! Here are some of my favorites from the day:
Jackson, like everything else he does, surprised us by cutting his first FOUR teeth all at once earlier this month! No, he didn't cut one tooth at a time...he went all out and his first teeth were four at the same time, two on top and two on the bottom. He was such a trooper! Once again, we have found ourselves very blessed with such a tolerant little baby.
Check out my teeth! |
This month Jackson had a developmental screening at the Children's SPOT in Kansas City for a NICU follow up. We received great news. Jackson no longer has the head tilt and tightness he had been struggling with. He has full motion of his head and neck! YAY! Developmentally he is a 7 month old, which is what we were expecting to hear and where he should be due to his prematurity. We were very pleased with Jackson's appointment. Way to go, Jax! We will go back again in six months.
While we were there, we went by to visit the NICU and some of Jackson's favorite nurses. Jackson even brought some cookies for all the nurses! I wasn't sure how I'd feel going to visit the NICU. I didn't know if I'd be sad or nervous. It was actually a happy moment. I was happy that Nick and I could go and tell our nurses thank you and to let them know we care and think of them often. A "thank you" and cookies seem so insignificant, so small compared to what they did for us. I wish we could do more. Everyone greeted us with a smile and were happy to see us, and were just so joyful at how Jackson was doing. There were a couple of moments that brought me back to his time at the NICU, like the clicking of the security door, the smell of Purell sanitizer, the beeps and alarms of other babies' monitors...sounds/smells that I had forgotten but brought me right back to that time... I will forever be grateful for the care we received at St. Lukes NICU. Because of a loving God and caring nurses, we have a healthy little boy.
Here we are in the NICU waiting room. |
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Oh, how we love these ladies!! |
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Jackson being held and admired by his all-time favorite nurse, Stacey. |
Thanks Baba, for my shirt! |
Look what prayers can do! |
Jackson's favorite things this month are swinging, swimming, and BOOKS! Oh my gosh, Jackson loves books! He prefers nonfiction (seriously!). He wants to read about animals or babies. He just loves looking at the pictures, interacting with the books, patting the pictures, feeling the pages if they are textured, and of course, putting the books in his mouth! Most of the time, though, he will just sit on your lap and listen and look while you read to him.
And a recently new thing Jackson likes to do is sing with his Daddy. He even dances a bit! It is so cute! I have an adorable video of it, but blogger won't let me upload it (it might be too long). I'll keep trying.
Jackson is rolling ALL over the place AND started to get up on all fours, and rocks back and forth for a short time before falling to his belly. He's going to be crawling any day now, getting into trouble! It is time to baby-proof the house!
Jackson is still a great sleeper and eater. Jackson still takes short naps during the day and sleeps from about 8:30-6:30 every night. He loves, loves, loves to eat. He really enjoys his mesh feeder. He likes it when we put frozen apples or fresh peaches in it. I think it feels good on his sore gums. He has tried all kinds of new foods, and enjoys them all! His favorite food I think is sweet potato, and his least favorite is green beans. Jackson still drinks 5-6 oz of milk every 3 hours. I'm continuing to nurse him every morning before I go to work and every night before he goes to sleep. We aren't sure how much Jackson weighs-we go to the Dr. at the end of the month, over 20 pounds I'm sure!!! He is still in size 3 diapers and size 6-9 month clothing.
Here are some other pictures from the month:
While Mommy worked in her classroom, Jackson got some SmartBoard training. |
We had a great day at the park. Jackson LOVES to swing...
....but not so sure about the slide!
Loving on Daddy after bath time. |
Granny and Jax
I love my GMO! |
Mommy and Daddy got some sweet tickets to the Chiefs pregame. Jax hung out with GMO, Papa B, and Uncle EJ for the evening!
Gooooo Chiefs!! Future linebacker?!
Jackson waved "Bye-Bye" for the first time as we left for the Chiefs game:
It's time for school! Time to brush up on my ABCs! My Kindergarten class last year made these blocks for Jackson. Each student wrote his/her name on a block and colored a picture that corresponded with the letter of block they had. Thanks so much for thinking of us and doing this for Jackson, Blaire, Suzanne, and Amanda! This is a very special gift! Jackson is already enjoying it! |
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One of my favorites! It always seems like my favorite photos are the ones where Jackson is wearing his PJs!
Night, Night!
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