Today is Friday. Jackson is 48 hours old. Jenny will be released today. We have a son. We don't know what to do.
I thought what we went through already would be the hard part. I can't speak for Jenny, but I feel like we handled that part really well. It was not an ideal situation but we got through it and we had a healthy baby boy, all things considered. The fact that he's just down the hall must have made us feel better. We were excited that he was here. We were learning how to be parents, which took some of the edge off. Other than the fact that the little man was in the NICU, it really kind of felt like a normal delivery. The staff here deserves a lot of credit for making us feel so comfortable through our situation. Our family and friends get a lot of that credit too.
Now that we are going to be leaving the "comforts" of the hospital and all its wonderful employees, we have to learn how to be parents away from our son. We will be one place, and he will be in another for probably, at least, the first six weeks of his life. That's not so easy.
Where will we be? What will it be like? How is this going to work? Am I going to drive back and forth every day? What's Christmas going to be like?
There are a lot of questions that someone who spent a lot of time learning how to answer questions and solve problems can't answer for us anymore. We are on our own now. Or are we?
There are a ton of unknowns now. The one thing that we do know right now is that we are going to have more support and help, prayers and thoughts, than we know what to do with. We know that no matter how hard it is, we'll get though it. Someone very close to us told Jenny that God doesn't give you anymore than you can handle. That's true. We can handle this and we will. Who couldn't do their best for this little guy.
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